II. Special theme meetings: The Reading for Life network
In cooperation with the UNESCO regional office in Beirut, a meeting was convened for formal and non-formal initiatives promoting reading, writing, and literacy in the Arab world entitled: “Reading for life” from 14- 16 December 2004 in Amman-Jordan.
Thirty participants from 14 Arab countries arrived in Amman for this meeting. Participants ranged from official bodies (ministry of education or culture) to NGOs to individuals who have successful initiatives in the field under discussion. The meeting’s objective was to develop a joint tool/tools for the promotion of reading, writing, and literacy based on the different successful experiences which everyone concerned can adopt and work collectively at implementing. Four main themes were developed over the three days and specific tools were also outlined by the participants. These themes were:
- The status of reading and books
- Encouraging expression and providing free spaces as a basis for learning
- Providing good books
- Literacy for adults and children
Attached is a summary in Arabic of the main recommendations and follow up mechanisms as well as a list of participants.