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لقاءات و مجاورات


ملتقى فلسطين

رأي صريح
About the Workshop
أفكار وانطباعات
الإنسان العربي والبيئة
تلوث الهواء
حق الطفل في بيئة نظيفة
متطوعون شباب من أجل البيئة
جدار الفصل العنصري الاسرائيلي
العمل التطوعي وأثره في تنمية الوعي البيئي المجتمعي
On Tamer Institute
شباب.. بيئة.. عمل تطوعي
ورقة عمل عن الخبرات الشخصية في العمل
Friends of the Environment


Isn’t that hilarious, they call us the future yet they don’t support us to build this future!!

As one of the Youth in Egypt, I think this is a major problem, youth need a lot to succeed, they need care, education, raising awareness and skills, capacity building, and much more. We have to confess that lately the government started to reconsider this issue and actually the decision makers took some actions to empower the role of youth and strengthen the youth initiatives. Giving an example and not listing, Egypt hosted the Youth Employment Summit held in Bibliotheca Alexandrina September 2002. This summit did not only discussed youth employment, but also it reached ways to magnify the effect of youth on their society and empower their role. Anyway this might be a start, but still a lot of efforts should be done in this field, and lets recall a word of a wise Chinese man: “If you are planning 2 years, plant rice.. If you are planning 10 years, plant a tree... If you are planning 100 years, educate the youth”

This might show us that the most successful investment is investing in Youth!

Niveen Khaleel


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